Undergraduate Study / Programs / Honors & Combined DegreesUndergraduate (Departmental) Honors
A student with a strong academic record may be admitted to McCormick’s Honors Program any time during their junior or pre-senior year.
At the time of admission to the program, the student must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.50 or higher.
Students must file their application with the Office of Undergraduate Engineering at least three full quarters before completing their degree requirements.
Admission to the Honors Program will be confirmed by filing an Honors Program Application Form online. A paper copy of the requirements can be found here: Honors Program requirements
- Complete at least three (3) units of approved advanced study with a B average or better. This could be done by taking courses normally accepted at the graduate level. Courses taken would only apply to the undergraduate degree.
- Complete an extended independent study program (at least two quarters) on the same topic leading to an acceptable report.
Honors Program Advisers
Each department chair arranges for a person or group within the department to administer and advise its honors program. See Departmental Honors Contacts on this page.
The person or group defines units of approved advanced study and independent study. They also evaluate the performance of each honors student at the end of the project to determine if the definition of success is met.
Successful completion of the Honors Program will be entered on the student's transcript. Recognition will also be given in the Commencement Program.
In evaluating each student's performance, if it is not judged to meet the standards of success, the student will receive course grades and credits as earned.
Departmental Honors Contacts
- Applied Mathematics: Professor Riecke
- Biomedical Engineering: Professor O'Neill
- Chemical Engineering: Professor Cole
- Civil Engineering: Professor Garcia
- Computer Science: Professor Zhang
- Computer Engineering: Professor Joseph
- Electrical Engineering: Professor Berry
- Environmental Engineering: Professor Gaillard
- Industrial Engineering: Professor Wilson
- Manufacturing and Design Engineering: Professor Gatchell
- Materials Science and Engineering: Professor Stair
- Mechanical Engineering: Professor Rudnicki
- Integrated Engineering Studies: Consult your adviser